Who is Dixie, anyway?

Dixie hails from kind of all over the place. She was born in Minnesota, where her whole extended family resides, has lived in Pennsylvania and Florida, but spent most of her life in Texas. She now lives in New York City. What can we say? She loves to shake it up!

While in Texas, Dixie attended Texas A&M University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with minors in Music and Spanish. She then received an Associate’s Degree in Musical Theatre from KD Conservatory in Dallas. While attending KD, Dixie worked as a theatre and television actor in the DFW area. Once she graduated again, she headed off to New York and has been stomping around Manhattan ever since.

Check out the News page to see what Dixie is currently up to and thank you for stopping by to say hello :)

Jumping around in front of the Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia.

Jumping around in front of the Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia.